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Inquiry Handling

There is nothing else like waste oil.

Through our expertise, it can be re-purposed into high-quality recycled products.


At Tenboshi Seiyu, we take used engine oil from cars, surplus cooking oil, lubricating oil from industry and other waste products from a vast range of applications and turn in into something useful. There is nothing else like waste oil. We use our experience and expert knowledge to select and refine waste oil so that it can re-purposed into high-quality recycled products. Our recycled oils are JIS 1-equivalent quality.

A stable supplier of high-level recycled oils
to the entire nation.

Proven results

● Cutting/compaction hydraulic oil, heat-treatment oil, cleaning oil, anti rust oil, cutting oil, etc.

● Recycled heavy oil

Tenboshi Seiyu Corporation

Shinpara 3833-1, Hamakita Ward, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 434-0003, Japan TEL:053-586-9911  FAX:053-586-9915

2017 Tenboshi Seiyu Corporation